December 11, 2017

Fire Escape Repairs

Let us explain the process…


Repair/Repaint/Install vendors must hold valid licenses and insurances to include:

Contractor License, EPA Renovator License, Workman’s Compensation Insurance and Liability Insurance

Certification of a fire escape must be submitted to the AHJ by a Design Professional or a licensed/certified Fire Escape Inspector registered in your state and cannot be submitted to the AHJ by the Repairs Vendor.


All work performed by our repair division: Fire Escape Pros, a member of the Fire Escape Services Network.  All Fire Escape Technicians are certified by the National Fire Escape Association. We give 15 to 25 year warranties on all structural restoration work done by our repair division.

Minor repairs by owner/agent – mostly paint issues

Spot Repairs by vendor

Full Restoration by vendor

Life Safety Issues – imminent danger – non-functional


Example EO Technical Photo ReportEO Technical Photo Report


Typical Engineer Oversight Mid Repairs Video